Sunday, 13 April 2003

2003.04.13 @ 1939

Dumb, dumb, dumb. Well, I did it. I tried to sign up for courses this fall. Karen kept on telling me to do it, and I kept on poo-poo'ing it, saying that I won't have any problems. Well, guess what? I have problems. I can't get into either course that I wanted to get into. So sad. So I ended up emailing the person that helps me "decide" what courses to take to see if she can get me into those classes. In the past they have been helpful, making room in the classes for me. Hopefully it'll work this time too. fingers crossed

Other than that, I have not been up to too much. I think that this semister I will finally get this blog to be dynamic. With the restrictions that Tripod has, i.e. only Perl, no command line access, only in the cgi-bin directory, etc. I was having a hard time figuring exactly how I would do it. But I think that I figured it out this time. I was thinking that I would use Perl to create static pages that only had to be generated every time I made a post. I think that I am going to scrap that idea. I think instead I am going to have it fully dynamic. All I have to do is read the files and output them over the net to the person requesting the page. But, (this is the part that I don't like that much), I will move my blog. It will have to be in a sub directory of my main page. I don't know if I'll do a redirect, or just have a link. We'll see. Anyways, I don't think that it'll be too hard. I just have to figure out the easy thing of opening a file and dumping it to the screen. The hard part (?) will be figuring out what files to dump. I think that I will either need to do a dir listing, or have a file that contains a list of all of the files. (I don't like that idea). Ah well. I'll figure that out after exams.

Listening to: John Williams - E. T. - Adventures On Earth

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