Monday, 2 February 2004

Car repairs, since I first saw it

I am just going to recap what I have fixed or had fixed on my car since the first time I saw it. Considering it's a 2000, it has quite a lot.
  1. Clutch replaced. I didn't burn this out, and the dealer replaced it. Cost: 0 $
  2. New winter tires. I needed them, and it was time. In the spring I will get new all seasons and some nice rims considering mine look like ass, and I have been missing a hub cap for like 6 months
  3. Oxygen sensor. They had to replace some wire and the sensor. The end result is that my idiot engine warning light is off, it is harder to stall, but it gets worse gas milage. Who knew that something good for the env means worse gas milage? (or is it kilometerage?)
  4. Front struts and springs. This was really needed. It would not have been safe to continue without getting this fixed right away.
Of course there are other regular things when owning a car including gas, oil changes, new wipers, wiper fluid, blinker fluid, etc. I am not upset about these costs, it's just "normal" costs when owning a car. But I'm cheap, so I don't like paying at any time. Ah well, that's life.
Listening to: Gob - Ex-Shuffle

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