Friday, 25 August 2006

Spell check

Pretty soon spell check will be native to firefox 2, which I consider to be a good thing. And to the delight of anyone who reads this blog, now I have can install the SpellBound Dev plug-in and actually see what what's misspelled as I go. Awesome. I can hear everyone else's relief as well. ;-)

Unfortunately, it only tells me what is wrong, but not how to correct it (at this time). It looks like google will continue to be my fastest way to get suggested correct spellings.


  1. It's already native to Firefox 2. I've been using Beta 1 for a few weeks now and I love it. Unfortunately, it still doesn't think "Firefox" is a word. At least you can add stuff to the dictionary. Oh, it also doesn't correct you when you mean to type override, and accidentally type overwrite. For Firefox 3.0, I recommend a mind reading module, so that it will type what I meant to type, instead of what I actually did type.

  2. Now, the question is... can it notify you when you've made mistakes like, "now I have can install the..."?

  3. No, browsers can't stop me from being an idiot... ;-P
