Tuesday, 29 August 2006

Takes guts

A co-worker pointed me to Spring: A Developer's Notebook on amazon. Take a look at the first review, the one star one.

Saying something like that takes guts. I've got more respect for the author now.

1 comment:

  1. One of the reviewers says the book is great, and that if they just release the errata, then there isn't much problem with the book. The problem is, for somebody who doesn't know what's right and wrong, constantly going back and forth between the book, and the errata is a big pain. It kind of reminds me a stats class that I took in university, where the prof would go off for 20 minutes on an example, and then at the end, realize she was doing it completely wrong, It was really frustrating having to learn everything twice, and keep track of which was was actually the right way.
