Saturday, 19 July 2008

Poster child for the foot fetish crowd

Having pictures up on flickr is a great way to share snapshots (literally) of our life with friends, family, and occasionally people we don't know. It's been interesting because sometimes people will comment on or favourite a picture. This rarely happens, but it's usually interesting when it does.

Sometimes it just gets weird.

Laura took a picture of me about a year or 2 ago with my feet towards the camera. It was one of those silly moments. After about a year of the picture being up someone favourited it. Someone who didn't really have any of their own pictures up, but had favourited a lot of pictures of people's feet. Okay, that's a bit weird. Then someone else did. And another and another. A that point it just starts to feel creepy. So we changed the visibility of the image to just friends and family.

I like sharing. Just don't go all creepy.

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