Thursday, 29 April 2010

Paperwork and The Two Generals' Problem

Somethings in life are silly. Some are dumb. Some make you shake your head at the ridiculous of it all. Filling out paper work in the gov can be that way. When joining I filled out a bunch of paper work. After some versions being lost several times, some of it got through and I was mailed an acknowledgment (ACK). In the acknowledgment they want me to send back an acknowledgment acknowledging that I had received their acknowledgment. I only can guess that their next step will be to send an acknowledgment to acknowledge that they had received my acknowledgment for their acknowledgment.

It's a real life example of the Two Generals' Problem - which seemed stupid to me when I learned about it. Maybe I just didn't understand it in school, but it seemed to me that their would be an end state. I'm just going to be sad if I have to keep on sending paperwork around.

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