Monday, 5 April 2010

Ready for retirement

I often joke with Laura that she's my Freedom 30 plan - but I usually make sure that I'm out of arm reach first. She jokes that I'm an old man in training because of my love of jello and rice pudding, but in some ways it would be awesome to be retired. I'd putter around the house, go for bike rides when the weather is nice, write software when the mood or need suited me, and be able to focus on making the next meal.

Aside: tonight's a prime rib roast (because Oma said it's not worth it making a roast for 2 people, and I disagree) with homemade horseradish. Homemade horseradish is something that I've wanted to make for about 3 years now, and I only found the root at the store the other day. Now I just have to figure out how to make it...

Back on topic: My biggest concern about being at home would be actually running out of things to do. Having not enough to do will suck the life and soul out of you, whether you're at home or at work. That amount of nothing leads people to be concerned about the dandelion count in their lawn or, even worse, the dandelion count in their neighbours lawn.

Luckily I've still got like 30 something years before that becomes a concern. Until then, I've just got to keep myself busy on long weekends - of which there seems to be too few.

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