Monday, 24 June 2013

Just a few words

I know that I'm going to forget this time. My brain replaces my memories of the Alice Past with the Alice Current. I can't think what she was able to do at 13 months compared to now. She currently speaks in toddler speak, but I can't reproduce it unless it's something she says 80 times a day. My brain transcribes the toddler speak and trashes the original. I need to take more videos.

She's talking a lot more. She's stringing words together all the time. "Daddy sit too" as she pats the ground beside her. Or while sitting in traffic "Big tuk (truck). Vrrrr!!". She knows that sometimes making the sounds helps us figure out what she's talking about. So kind of her. Today while reading a book about a cruse ship for the fourth time in a row I tried to look at my phone. "Ppt dwn" and she motioned me putting the phone on the cushion. She needs my full and undivided attention for all four readings of the second seating.

I know she won't always want to read a story with me. There will be a time where she won't curl up in my lap and refuse to get off (no matter how much I have to go to the bathroom). I have to remind myself to be present and capture these moments. It's just hard sometimes when you're on the 7th reading of a book in an hour and you've literally been reading it backwards and forwards. But harder I will try.

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