Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The yin and the yang of having a toddler around

Today had the usual Wednesday routine: I picked up Alice, brought her home, played with her a bit, and started to make dinner. While I was making dinner Alice was off in her room. I'd check on her every 5 or 10 minutes. I'd sneak over to her door and peek in. She'd be sitting in the adult rocking chair, quietly reading a book to herself. She was reading Mommy's Best Kisses at one point and pointing to her body parts as she was reading it. Each time I checked on her, she was quietly reading another book.

That's the wonderful part of having a toddler. The part that you want to share. Not all parts are like that.

For instance, shortly before she was quietly playing by herself she was screaming at me, saying she was hungry, so hungry. Then I let her into the kitchen and she decided she was no longer hungry, but would like to take all the wax paper out of the box. Followed by all the utensils out of the drawer and to make sure she bangs them on the floor. And you can't forget pulling out the sharp knives and saying "sharp sharp sharp". *sigh* I'm pretty sure that I'm a bad father for letting her explore like that.

There are two parts of having a toddler around. One that you go "awww..." and want to somehow freeze time. And there are the other parts where you wish it was happening to not-you, anyone else really. The second really makes you appreciate the former.

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