Monday, 3 June 2013

Shifting focus

Early on this blog was my random thoughts, mixed with helpful (to me) technology hints and tricks. My post about html labels and a struts multibox was always one of my more popular posts. I don't post things like that any more. Not because that info isn't useful, but because the purpose has been replaced by sites like stackoverflow.

Then I would post things in order to keep in touch with my friends. That has been replaced with social networking like facebook. I only know one person that blogs anymore. It's getting quieter in the blog-oh-sphere. Louder in social media.

So what's left? Me talking about home life stuff and of course some of the longer winded random crap that pours out of my head. Without conscience effort, this blog is turning into a web-log, or "online journal" if you're from 1997. Yes, it's becoming something for me to look back at and say "Hey, remember when I used struts or those times where you have to type one keyboards? Ha ha ha... *wipes laughter tears away* Good times..."

So... ya. *looks around empty room* I'm sure that I'll enjoy this post in 15 years. Until then, here's a picture of two cute kids.

Hey mommy. Where does the cheese come out from?

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