Not that would have been such a problem if I hadn't driven onto the freshly seeded mud. I would say ground, but it was just mud. About 8 inchs thick. My little car that was never meant to go off roading suck like a stone into this sticky, wet mud. *sigh* I tried to rock it out before I realized how bad it was, so I just dug myself in. I saw a small board around earlier so I went and got that to try and shove it under the wheel to get some trackion, but that didn't help.
SO, really embarrased and frustrated, I was thinking who in my family I should call. They'd all make fun of me, so it was just a question of who would make the least fun of me. As I was pondering this, a guy about our age pulled up in a Jeep Cherky and asked if we needed help. Apparently he could see the weird angle that I was at from driving by, so he stopped in to help.
I was very, very thankful for this guy. I didn't even have anything that I could be towed out with, but he had just bought a tow strap that day. Sweetness. It took about 3 seconds to pull me out, and that was that. I owe this guy a lot, and I doubt that I'll ever see him again. I guess that I'll just have to pay it forward.
Listening to: John Williams - Confrontation With Count Dooku
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