Thursday, 6 November 2003

Ford Focus != 4x4

To those people that don't know, a Ford Focus is not a 4x4. Who knew? The problem started at the new Eagleson park in ride. It's very dark (at night ;-) ) because they don't have the lights hooked up yet. Well, as I was going to leave with Laura, I decided (I don't know why) that I wanted to go out the other enterence because I thought that it would be more direct. And here is the point of failure: I assumed that the walk ways at the new parking lot would be like the ones at the other. They are not. At the old one they are walk walks that you can easily drive over (I have seen many cops and others do this). At the new one they are not.

Not that would have been such a problem if I hadn't driven onto the freshly seeded mud. I would say ground, but it was just mud. About 8 inchs thick. My little car that was never meant to go off roading suck like a stone into this sticky, wet mud. *sigh* I tried to rock it out before I realized how bad it was, so I just dug myself in. I saw a small board around earlier so I went and got that to try and shove it under the wheel to get some trackion, but that didn't help.

SO, really embarrased and frustrated, I was thinking who in my family I should call. They'd all make fun of me, so it was just a question of who would make the least fun of me. As I was pondering this, a guy about our age pulled up in a Jeep Cherky and asked if we needed help. Apparently he could see the weird angle that I was at from driving by, so he stopped in to help.

I was very, very thankful for this guy. I didn't even have anything that I could be towed out with, but he had just bought a tow strap that day. Sweetness. It took about 3 seconds to pull me out, and that was that. I owe this guy a lot, and I doubt that I'll ever see him again. I guess that I'll just have to pay it forward.
Listening to: John Williams - Confrontation With Count Dooku

1 comment:

  1. Up late ...bored...found your site...4 by focus...what a geek...later
