Friday, 21 November 2003

I can't win

So, I have been having trouble getting to sleep till like 2-3 regularly (and sometimes 5) lately. My dad's big solution: get up earlier will make you more tired and go to sleep earlier. I don't like this for one reason: I get so much work done when everyone else is asleep and the house is so quiet. The dogs don't even bark at this time of day. So not getting to sleep till late has some drawbacks too, but whatever.

Today (I guess it was technically yesterday) I went to bed really early because I had a killer headache and didn't think that I could actually get anything worth while done. While this might have been a good idea at the time, it means that I only slept in to 0130. *sigh* I just can't seem to win.

On the plus side, the house is really quiet* and I'll probably be able to get some work done. (* -> quiet except for my dad's snoring... I got tired of listening to it, hence why I am on the computer now.)
Listening to: Village People - Kung-fu Fighting


  1. Are you trying to do work before you go to bed? I find that anytime I try to do programming after 9:00, my brain is just so awake that I can't get to sleep until around 2AM. It completely sucks because thats when I'm the most productive. :(
    (of course that also gives me yet another excuse to put off doing work... hehe. Not that I really need it.)

  2. I hear ya about the increase in productivity late at night when everyone else is sleeping... The people I live with are the noisiest buggers you'll ever meet, and I find that the hours of 1:00-5:00 am are the best times to do work. I'm "lucky" though... my first class isn't until 2:00 pm most days, so I can still get a good morning's sleep! ;)

  3. Yeah. I like getting work done at night. However if I find my roomates are being loud, I just crank the slayer/ korn/ alexisonfire/ from autumn to ashes, and then i don't even realize they are there. It works very nicely, even when they have their music turned up.
    And Jim, what's with your dad's snoring? can you hear him in the next room? is it really that loud? he should get that checked out.

  4. hehe. You have to watch it though with cranking the Slayer. Otherwise you'll end up half-deaf, like me. :)
    (is it just me, or does music just plain sound better when its loud??)
