Wednesday, 19 November 2003

Last... midterm... EVER.

Well, having now said that, I am sure that I am going to get a TON of midterms at some future time now... sheesh. But, now that that's over with, now it's just 5 finals (and like 4 projects, 3+ assignments, ...). But small steps. Every thing I do, the closer I get to being finally done.

I love getting things in the mail. Sometimes I even like getting bills. Well, no, that's a lie. But I like opening envolupes. ;-) (and yes, I meant to speel it like that...) I guess that I should start sending more things by mail... other ppl probably like getting things like that. This year I am really going to try to send x-mas cards. Again. I think that I have a chance of getting it done this time though...

Thanks everyone for your feedback about my resumé. It's a great help. I will shortly be over hawling it... I got my dad to look at it, and he totally trashed it. I guess that he's seen a lot of them... I'll have to work with him and get some advice. I guess that it's better to get family to trash your stuff, rather than a potential employer. :-|
Listening to: Rage Against The Machine - I'm Housin'

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