Monday, 22 December 2003

Buttoned down and did it.

I finally buttoned down and worked on school stuff that's due at the end of the month. Seesh. You'd have thought that I'd be able to get it done before this, but I think that I really need a deadline to drive me. Sad really, but it's true. So I had to pretend that tonight was the only night that I can work on this (which might be true), so I got it done. *knock on wood*. Now all I have to do is do my Christmas shopping... but that's what tomorrow is for. ;-)
Listening to: Philip Glass - Vessels


  1. What's the difference between buttoned down and buttoned up?
    So you did it while you were naked?

  2. I think that buttoned up is like you are all getting all fancy, while buttoned down is like you are getting ready to do something (that you don't want to do)
    And yes, I am more creative when I am naked. Aren't you? ;-)
