Tuesday, 9 December 2003

definally not five nines

Sitting here in SITE with the internet going up and down all the time is very frustrating. I have a theory: that the wire is connected to the elevator, and it only works when the elevator is on the third floor. That seems to be a logical explaination to me. :-)

I think that I should have brought a baseball hat today... with it being winter now the sun doesn't rise as high so there is a glare all the time. I am reduced to wearing my touque indoors just to try and shield my eyes somewhat so that I am not squinting all the time.

I've had a breakthrough: it's really hard to study for a class where there doesn't really seem to be right answers, and where the prof / TA can't seem to present answers in a way that makes lots of sense. I'm just going to do my best, but I'm not going to stress if I can't get things... I am looking for the "sweet spot" of the quality for my final. ;-) See! I did learn something in that class! (... that I already knew...)
Listening to: Space - There's No You


  1. I think I found four different "correct" answers for that stupid Function Points in Hello World question. And these were all on different tests/midterms.
    It's over now though. YIPPIY!

  2. hahaha... But at least that you can use everything that you learned in that class in the real world! Or maybe not... ;-)
