Friday, 26 December 2003

Starting Jan 5th

I just got a email from my boss in India (no, I am not going to be working there, she's just visiting family), and everything is a go for Jan 5th. Yay!

Okay, back to cleaning now...


  1. Yay Jim!!!! I'm so happy for you!
    Although it means there's no chance you'll be working with me starting January *sniff*, *sob*

  2. hee hee... thanks. ;-) But I think that this is a better chance for some long term stuff. And it has all the "right" things:
    - small team
    - using XP dev meth.
    - starting a project, not updating it
    - working with J2EE and all that comes with it (ant, Eclipse*, JUnit, ...)
    Okay, that's it for me now. We're about to leave for a New Years party in London. I'll update this all later.
    Happy New Year!
