Wednesday, 3 December 2003

Everything is an emergancy

I find that during school, with the short schedules always given for what can seem like a lot of work, after 4.5 years of school I think that I need things to be an emergancy for me to work on them. I find it SO much harder to work on things and get them done like a week in advance. Sometimes it doesn't help me that the prof's keep on extending the due dates. Maybe this is just an exercise on modivating myself... probably not.

On another note, I mentioned yesterday that I went into work and saw everyone, including my cube. And it's HUGE. And the place seems quiet. It sure will be nice not bumping chairs with people all the time. Even though my cube is on a corner, it doesn't seem like a busy place, and the "door" is a bit away from my desk. I really like the position of it. I won't feel so guilty when I am reading slashdot because people won't be reading over my shoulder. But I'll still take in music to block out people's conversations and make some white noise. ;-)
Listening to: Philip Glass - Resource

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