Wednesday, 30 June 2004

GMail going prime time

I think that I am going to start using my gmail account more often now... I'll still keep my sympatico account for other things (and since I have had it since I was 14...).

So, if people want to email me and try it out, that's cool with me. ;-) My address is firstname . lastname @
Listening to: Otis Day and the Knights - Shout


  1. So it's:
    and if anyone is wondering: NO, I'm not. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    And, as far as I know, Jim is not also. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  2. You're saying that I'm not pretty handsome? I don't know about that...
    Maybe it's because I feel so pretty... and witty, and ga..uhh, never mind. ;-)

  3. hmm... so that's pretty.witty.jim@gmail right?
    But yeah, I'm trying to use mine alot more as well. I just wish I could figure out how to get nested sub-folders (or labels I guess).
