Saturday, 18 March 2006

525 600 minutes...

365 days is 525 600 minutes. But google says 1 year is 525 948.766 minutes. Humm... who's right? Probably google. ;-)


  1. That's easy, a year ISN'T 365 days. It's around 365 and one quarter days (and change). That's why we have leap years, my good man.

  2. I was trying to be a little funny... the opening song of RENT main corus (?) goes something like "525 600 minutes... make up a year".
    Oie. ;-)

  3. Engineers and musicals don't mix :P

  4. You can rest assured that one reader got it. I saw that musical twice (in TO and in Ottawa) now the only places to see it is in London and New York.
