Thursday, 16 March 2006

Java Puzzlers

If you're doing something in Java, you might be interested to check out Joshua Bloch's new book Java Puzzlers. I checked out the interview and free chapter and it was an interesting. A lot of the problems seem a bit obscure, but that's why they made a book! ;-)

It's a good place to see how not to do things. Some of the problems would have been solved by either following the "things to do" outlined in Effective Java or not doing weird byte operations.

It brings up a point in my mind how KISS is such a good design concept and how "being clever" causes more problems than it solves most of the time. When someone describes their architecture as being "neat" and how they'll have to explain it sometime sets a red flag in my head: if you have to set aside time to explain the architecture then it's probably more complex than you need it.

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