Wednesday, 29 October 2003

Engine light off = 450 $

To turn off an engine light on my car (only a warning one), it cost too much. To fix an o2 sensor too... yikes. I mean, what did this sensor ever do for me? Ah well. THe guys at the dealership pointed out that I need new tires. I knew this. I didn't know that I had a couple of nails in my tires. I think that they must have been there for a long time. Ah well. I think that an oil change somewhere and new tires at frisbee. Maybe. I have to call around and figure out where to get them.

I'm happy tonight because other than the extension to Monday that I got for my security class I also have my books from amazon now. One is a Java XP "cookbook" which seems to be all like "this is your problem, this is how you fix it". Nice. Not too much talk. Easy to find things later. I think that is something important for a tech book: small sections, really good index. Most of the time people don't want to read it like a novel, they just want to flip to a section to refresh their memory (until it gets stuck in there head). *sigh* Now I should get back to my parallel assignment.
Listening to: Soft Cell - Tainted love

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