Monday, 6 October 2003

One down, 876,982,150,721 to go...

Well, one more assignment is done. Now I just have to start 4100. Oh well. Every assignment, every character that I type brings me closer to the other side, and at this point, for the first time ever, I truely feel that I am getting there. That I am almost done.

It seems that Peter is having troubles with Windows Explorer. I started it up, and it weighed in at just under 3 Mb. In about 6 minutes it has gained about a Mb, even though I have not touched it. I'll have to keep my eye on it. Maybe the solution to making my computer fast is just to close all MS products that I can. ;-)

Ryan has written about him getting people asking for his resume, which I think is damn cool. In this market, how many people can say that they are getting people that they have never even met ask them to send in their resume? Not me for one. Ryan said that he thought that it was cool that "recruiters use Google" to find people. I am not sure if this was stated in one of the emails, but I wonder if someone working on the team used one of the solutions that Ryan found and passed along the info to the HR person. Interesting... I guess that I'd have to write about technical stuff instead... Naaa... ;-)

Last Friday we handed in all the documentation for M4 for AudioMan, which is our fouth year project. We all hate doing documentation, but it forced us to take a look at our code for some things. We found several things that are not how we thought that our own stuff worked. Which shows how important customer tests are. Unit tests are not everything.

It looks like Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend. My brother and I were going to go to the cottage this Friday, but plans have been moved to Saturday early. My brother is usually at work by 4 am, so we are going to leave my house at 5 am. Oie. I usually come home at that time... I just hope that a hot shower and LOTS of coffee are going to be enough. And I hope that I have enough energy at the end of the weekend to study for all of the upcoming midterm....
Listening to: Space - Tin Planet - Fran in Japan

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