Friday, 10 October 2003

Troubles with sympatico to hotmail

Yes, as I am sure that you can see from the title, I am having troubles with sending people stuff from sympatico to hotmail accounts. Things are getting there a week late, if at all. I was being some messages from hotmail accounts that never got to me. Other people (like Heather) are having this trouble too, so it's not just me. I'll try and do hotmail to hotmail when I remember, but I am sure that I'll forget. This really sucks, and I have to complain to sympatico and find out what is happening, but I am sure that it'll just be hotmail's fault. ;-)

In other news the Sens won against Montreal last night. They are two of my favourite teams. Which is weird 'cause I don't really like the Leafs that much, and I spent over 1/2 of my life in TO (well, more or less TO). Ah well.

Apparently most people don't know about my school page (it's actual a tripod page where I keep all my school stuff). I guess if people actually read my blog, I should be nice and share things like kibbee. Espically after his last comment. I don't think that anyone cheats now (or I hope not), but we do definally share answers. Which, to some would be the same thing, but to me there is a big difference.

Heather has pointed out some of my spelling errors. That's one thing about a my blog, it's all about the creative spelling. "It is a poor man who can only find one way to spell a word". ;-) So, if you are getting annoyed about my spelling / typo's, that's unfortunate. I'll try my best, but I am not going to spell check everything. This is my creative outlet. ;-)
Listening to: Tragically Hip - The Dire Wolf

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I got mentioned on Jim's blog page! Let me just say, Jim, that I'm glad you're not a Leafs fan... that's an awful lot of energy that I'd have to expend in order to convert you if you were.
    I'd also like to mention that I like your creative spelling... I'm never one to discourage artistic expression! Hee hee.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
