Thursday, 16 October 2003

Different backgounds

I can't believe some of the knowledge that I have gotten in the last 4 (5?) years that I just take for granted. I was reading an article about Linus (thanks Ryan) and I was telling Heather about it. She had never even heard of Linux. Woah. Sometimes I just take it for granted that people are big nerds like me, who read slashdot 50 times a day (like keeping a tab open to it in mozilla and just hitting refresh). Does this mean that other people don't count in binary (or hex or oct, ...); think in logic controls (AND, OR, ...) and loop structures; and don't spend most of their free time in front of their computers? I guess that I am just an inside the box kind of guy now. I guess that's one thing about school, they take many different people and end up making them all the same (or damn close).
Listening to: 311 - Amber


  1. LIES!!!!!
    I don't know where you get this stuff about people not being geeks and all. I think you just have some really weird friends.
    But seriously Jim, you need to start hanging around with a larger variety of people. Most of the time I just don't bother talking about Linux and junk, because most of my friends don't know what it is, or couldn't care less about using it. Just the seggies are into that junk.

  2. I do hang out with lots of people with different backgrounds. My whole point is that I forget what is "common knowledge" to everyone, and what is just common knowledge to a subset of my friends (the "computer" ones).
    I thought that things like Linux where in the news all the time. I guess that I just pay more attention to those news stories than others.

  3. Its good information, thank.
