Saturday, 25 October 2003

Links, comics and books.

Some people don't think that there is too much hope for the high tech industry in Ottawa. I am not sure if this is true or not. I guess that this will mean even more people will try to get into the government then. Or switch to another industry. I hope that I'll be safe, but I am sure that things will work out in the end.

I read an funny comic today. I should probably put up a list of the comics that I read in case anyone is interested... maybe, maybe not. Peter suggested that I make a script / page that just collects all the emails. But I actually like to go to some of the pages to read the write ups, espically if they are web comics. Most of the commerical ones just print them. With thoses, it's pretty much like reading the news paper, but in colour and I get less ink on my hands. ;-)

The other day I bought a couple of books from The first book is about JSP's, J2EE, etc. Stuff that I felt that I should have learned at my last co-op, but never really got the chance to since I was just doing text changes, mostly to properties files. The second I just thought would be interesting. O'Reilly books are usually pretty good, and this one had an okay pretty good rating, even though it was only by 7 people. And besides, this has a picture of a Buffalo on it! I mean, how could you not get that book! ;-)
Listening to: Howard Shore - The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - Isengard Unleashed


  1. Check your email. *cough*
    The only book I really want to get from Amazon right now is this..
    (ah.. boo!.. no HTML in comments?)

  2. Thanks man.
    That book on amazon looks SWEET! I used to have a like 10 year anniversary book (which was wonderful, it had all these explainations / comparisions, ...) but I think that I lent it to someone (don't remember who) and they never gave it back. :-( Damnit. Ah well. I'll just have to keep my eyes open for it.
    Woo-hoo! I found it!
