Tuesday, 14 October 2003

Loosing thoughts

It's really weird, but I think that I am getting dummer every day. I keep on having thoughts and thinking "oh! I must remember that!", but then 20 minutes later (or much less!) it is long gone. *sigh* Ah well. I guess this is one reason why I should make sure that I do lots of "thinking" all the time. Even do things like Math *gasp* just to keep my mind sharp.

I should be able to post some pictures from the weekend at the cottage when my dad gets them off the camera. I'll do that when I have a chance. As it is, I should be going to bed... my brain is a bit burnt, and I have to write a midterm tomorrow. Ah well. ;-)
Listening to: Dirty Vegas - The Brazilian


  1. hehe. I'm sorry, the spelling mistake just about made me spit cereal all over my laptop.
    Thanks alot Jim! :)

  2. Spelling mistake? uhh, sure... ;-)
