Monday, 20 October 2003

Poop report?

Okay, I just can't believe this site. People actually have this domain? Yikes. And they have long discussions about poop? I am sure that I don't want to read any more. In case you are wondering how I got to that site in the first place, I was looking if anyone has fake puke / barf . Peter was telling me how he wanted to get some fake barf that looks like it has a text book in it and hand it in for the exam. I just thought that was really funny. What else do you do in your undergrad when you are at school other than spit back what the prof has said even if you know it to be wrong. Or, if you wanted to use another term than "wrong", we can say different. Like if in every other class that your students get taught, they use one definition, and in 4th year you tell them that it is actually something else. We are not actually apply what we "learn" in the class, we are just going to remember how to pass the exam, and then forget most of it. (mostly the dumb parts, the interesting / useful parts get remembered automatically).

-- Frustrated in Ottawa
Listening to: Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

1 comment:

  1. What really sucks is when the knowledge that we have to regurgitate changes from semester to semester *cough* non-functional requirements *cough*.
    Not actually applying what we learn in class is one of the big problems that I have with how things were done for us, especially in terms of our electives. I cringe at the thought of all the useful things I could have learned in place of the science electives. Not only that, but you can think of it going back even to high-school, although I think with the new curiculumn(sp??) they've fixed a big part of that (simply because they don't have time to bother with all the useless crap..)
