Thursday, 13 May 2004

Longest run so far

Today I went on my longest run ever: 10.2 km. And I did it in 62 minutes, including water stops etc. That's better time that I did on my 8 k's last summer. And it was hot. And I sprinted the last bit racing Betty (and then promptly threw up). We did it slower than we used to do the 8, but we took less stops, and our stops were very short, and did it in less time. So, doing 10.2 I took less time than 8. Did I mention that I ran 10.2 km?

Time to eat and then brush my teeth...


  1. Way to go!! Congratulations - and way to leave your mark. Were you on Elgin Street by any chance? There is something so inspiring about that spot...

  2. Yeah, nice work. Though, I probably would have brushed my teeth, then ate, then brushed them again. hehe
    I've never ran til I puked. Usually my legs give out first. :P

  3. hee hee... it was in the (empty except for dirt) flower boxes on Sparks by Kent. Right where I start / finish. But it wasn't like I puked up everything that I ate, it looked just like water (not sangria).
    And what did me in was the 1.5 block sprint at the end... ah well. Good times, good times. :-D
    After I "learned how to run", my legs have never been my problem: it's always about breathing and running at a do-able pace for me.

  4. Learned how to run? Maybe you can make a post on that ... I've just tried to get back into running a bit (on rainy days when I can't skate). I must be doing something wrong, because I can't go more than 1k without a rest.

  5. Congrats Jim.
    I was really impressed by that, considering that after 2.5 km I say: "Enough". After you start kayaking you will probably be in even better shape.
    Again, good job and keep it up.

  6. Good job Jim.. Nice to hear you are all happy about being in good shape, but I can think of much easier ways to travel 10.2 KM. The best way I can think of is Biking, since it's also Zero emission get some exercise kind of stuff. But there's also kayak, canoe, bus, and car; which are all much easier on your knees.

  7. Ryan: good idea about posting about "how to run". It might be harder to explain, but I'll give it a shot.
    Kibbee: The point of running isn't to go any distance, it's to *run*. The way that I have been taught to run is to "roll", and there's like not impact to my knees. It's like walking, but much more challenging.
    I really love running. Not that that all runs are "good", but I just lie to myself when they are not. And I always come away with the "runners high". SO wonderful. Ya, I know, I'm a junky.
