Friday, 14 May 2004

Running vs. Jogging

I think that I've spent too much time on this topic now, but I just have to link to a (funny) comment on slashdot. It's about the difference between running and jogging. Just some one else's advice about going really slowly at first and taking it easy.

One of the ways I think that would help getting into running (like any sport) is to find someone to mentor you and help you out. I have to pay it forward. The running room has clinics, but they cost 70 $. If you're really serious about it and can't find anyone close that can help you out, I would do something like this with a group of supportive people. It's good to establish these habits early, and pretty soon it doesn't even cross your mind not to exercise, it's just "what you do". ;-)
Listening to: Hoobastank - Better


  1. Calm down Jim! What's up with this recent obsession with running?

  2. hee hee... don't worry, it's not recent. ;-P I was running last summer and loved it, but I wasn't really able to get back into it till about March.
    I've had 4 or 5 people ask me to tell them how to run, so this was one way of doing it. It's something that I wanted to write about for a while, I just had not made the time before.

  3. I need to lose about 15 pounds from waist, I eat right and work out almost everyday, at least I run everyday, I have lost 15 pounds so far but the weight loss has halted and stayed at my current weight. I run 20 minutes almost everyday but my question is; is it better to run a constant speed for 20 min or to sprint then walk, then sprint then walk. I cover the same distance either way in 20 min. My question is, which is better for losing pounds. Niether of these types of running actually make my muscle sore, its just to burn calories, not build muscle. Please let me know.

  4. Brad: I actually don't know. Taking off weight has not been a goal of mine at all, just keeping in shape.
    If you wanted to do more running I would look in your area for a local running club and they might be able to provide more advice.
    Sorry man!

  5. [Jim comment: moved comment from another post since comments were closed]
    I wanted to share this funny jogging video on youtube.
    -Joe the Jogger
