Sunday, 2 May 2004

Pensive while it rains

I don't know why I feel so pensive today, but maybe it has something to do with spending all day in bed to avoid my headache (damn weather change). I keep on wondering about the future, and what shape it will take, and how futile it can be to try and guess.

I've heard before to try and plan like you are going to live forever, but live like this is your last day on earth. Well, it would be a lot easier if I actually knew, but I think that would be horrible too. What would you do if you knew? If someone told you that you would die when you are 100, does that mean you are going to be more reckless now? Save more? Not live every day to the last, nor tell people how special they are? I don't know how I would deal with something like that, and I guess it doesn't matter one way or another. I think that I'll go back to bed... I'm not good at this philosophy thing, especially when my head is not 100 %... man, I need to go for a run tomorrow.
Listening to: System of a Down - Deer Dance

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