Tuesday, 3 June 2003

Come back 1 year!

My brain is totally burnt. I don't know why. Maybe it is not enough sleep. Or not enough scary things at work (but that's okay with me!). I just feel like I should crawl up into a ball and go asleep, but I don't want to. At least tonight I don't have to look around to find a place open that will sell me a bus ticket.

I went out today with the guys and got some food at lunch (my second lunch). We went to this shwarma place on Sparks St. They guys there had really watched too much Signfield. One of my co-workers made it to the front of the line and said "chicken and garlic please" to which the guy yelled "No please! Leave! Come back one year!" They were pretty scary there. I made sure that I just said two words: <meat type>, <sauce>. And the food wasn't that super good... I guess it's just cause I finished a huge la-zon-ya (sound it out) and bean salad. But I always enjoy the second lunch in an hour. ;-)

Listening to: Live on Release - I'm Afraid of Britany Spears

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