Tuesday, 10 June 2003

Oww! My knee!

Stupid friggin little school girls. I went running today (it was a beautiful day) and I was doing great. When I got over to the museam there were a couple of like 12 year old girls, and they suddenly changed direction and I twisted so I would not plow them down. Within a minute I was limping because I had screwed up my knee. Next time I'll flatten them to the ground. Grrr... and I had just got my feet fixed up, and I was going to do so much better. Ahhhggg! So, SO frustrating!

I think that the number of days for this blog are numbered. Ryan has made me a blog on one of his sites that uses movable type, and I think that I will start using that. I just had to make sure that there was some way to back up / export my posts, and then it's all good. I just have to play around with the style sheets to get it how I like it before moving it. I am a little tired of the silver, blue and red, but I'll see what I will do. I don't think that I will move my countdown clock over, or things like that. I'll still be using this, but not really for blogging. *sigh* Peter has always offered to host me, but I just wanted to do my own stuff. I'll still mess around with Perl here though. Ah well.

Listening to: Moby - Harbour

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