Monday, 16 June 2003

Why am I here?

I have no freaking idea why I am typing this late. Oie. Ah well. One cool thing that I was able to find today (which I was looking for) was how to get java to figure out what runtime env. it is using. I was so happy that I found it. I knew that this would make sense for it. I just don't know if this would solve the problem that I want it to. I just have to figure out what happens if you try to have byte code in your progam that you don't actually use. What I want to do is when you try on the program, it checks that it will be able to run properly, and only then will
it start up. If it's not the right env., it provides a message to the user and dies. Fail fast, fail early. And I figure that might be a more portable way to do things, since we are using Java anyways.

Okay, I was going to talk all about what I did this weekend, but I think that will have to wait for another time since I am having a hard time focusing on the screen. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day at work. :-( Why the hell and I still up? grrr... and it'll probably take me like an hour to get to sleep. Maybe not. Anyways, I'll document The Amazing Adventures of Jim and Laura (and the bike trip) later... but right now I have to address a very important issue: lack of sleep.

Listening to: Aqua - Freaky Friday

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