Wednesday, 4 June 2003

You call that a bike?

Okay, I just had to link to a couple of comics that I read today. The first one is a Dork Tower one, while the other is a Doctor Fun (4
June, 2003). I think that to really get the first one, you would have had to read 1984 by George Orwell to really get it. He really was a great writter. I just read Animal Farm about 2 weeks ago. It was really good too.

I pulled my bike out of the rafters yesterday. I oiled the ol' girl up. It's been like 8 years since I last rode it, and now I remember why. It's really rusty, but things mostly work. I just don't think that I want to spend a bunch of cash to get a new one. I'll deal with the one that I have for now. I just shelled out like 30 $ for a bike helmet (tells you how long I last rode) and also got a water bottle holder. I have to grease it up to get the holder on, but that's later. I rode out to the highway (ie. pavement) and back, round trip probably about 5 km. I only saw 3 cars, and only 2 actually passed me. The one that did pass me (the first one) AND was going my way was a porsche, so I guess that I was going fast. ;-) I am getting my bike into working order because a friend does a lot of biking (doesn't drive) and I thought that I could join in and bike together. We'll see how that turns out.

Listening to: Barenaked Ladies - One Week

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