Wednesday, 11 June 2003

Nerd Books

I finally got my nerd books in. Yay! I have just been quickly going through the Unix in a nutshell and it seems great. I am already glad that I got it. I got screwed when I bought that small edition of Unix for Dummies. It was way worse than the man pages. I guess I should have known better... ah well. I used it as a reference, but it wasn't even good for that. I am going to start reading the Effective Java book as soon as I finish Frankstien. I am almost done that... only about 20 pages to go. But I keep on doing it slowly because it is well written, and I don't want to miss any of the rich text because I am tired and not really absorbing it.

Here at work we are a little bit in crisis mode. We have problems with the Apache and php. Apairently it was loading in a new instance of the php module everytime it got a request to the user. So, if 10 ppl hit the page, at 8 Mb per module, that is 80 Mb of memory taken up. Increase the number of people, and the server sort of browns out. That and at the same time robots are crawling and bringing down apps and again browning out the server. So they have been scrambling to block some robots and they changed the server so it only loads the php module on demaind. Shit, sorry for all the spelling mistakes. Ah well.

Pretty soon I will be sending out another email to everyone that wants to go to the Ottawa bluesfest and see Great Big Sea. I think that it should be good... so far I think that the list is around 8 at least. Yay! ;-)

Listening to: The Tragically Hip - Three Pistols

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