Thursday, 1 April 2004

Carpe diem

Something that HCT pointed out to me tonight was a really good plea for people to live to the fullest by Matthew Lazzara. It really makes you think about what is important. It's the people around you, and not wasting any day. Why do I act silly a lot of the time? It's to minimize my regrets.

And on that note, I have to get my car fixed up. I think in addition to new summer wheels, I am going to tint the window this summer. And maybe add a cool decal too. ;-)
Listening to: Tragically Hip - leave


  1. oh man.. that's hilarious...

  2. how about this?

  3. very fond of the darwin fish!
    there's a cool article about dna and evolution in this month's scientific american - guess i'll have to let you steal it :)
