Sunday, 4 April 2004

Snow, super zoom, and robo-cars

One thing that I didn't expect when I walked out of my house last night was for it to be snowing HUGE flakes. And it's still snowing. Just wonderful. I think that this is why I have problems with spring, it seems to have an identity crisis. It doesn't know if it's summer, winter, or somewhere in between. And it changes it's mind day to day. *sigh* Ah well. Pretty soon it will be brown and soggy again, so it's all good.

My brother sent me a neat zoom thingy (ya, I not great with words yet today). It goes from a distance of like 100 million light years from earth to the subatomic on a leaf. Pretty cool. ;-)

There's a cool article on NT Times about self driven cars (linked from /.) I can see that in the next 50 years we get to something like cars in Demolition Man or Minority Report (the movie). As it is now, you just get in your car and tell the navigation system where you want to go, and it tells you exactly how to get there. Now cars can steer, break, etc. for you because the computer can make "better" and faster decisions than the driver. Will commuting be totally automated in the future? I hope so.
Listening to: Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music


  1. That "neat zoom thingy" kind of reminded me of something i saw on some cartoon once or something. The similarity between the shot of the stars, and the shot of the super close up sub atomic picture look pretty much the same. Basically the cartoon showed zooming out further and further, until it basically came back out to another universe. where the building blocks would have been like pieces of our universe. All very weird and mind-blowing. I think it was on the Simpson's for some reason.

  2. I hope in 50 years we'll have the technology to make better movies than Minority Report and Demolition Man.

  3. The sci-fi ideas in the movies man, not the actual story telling...
