Tuesday, 20 July 2004

Apartment pics

I just posted a page with some pics of our new place on it. Not too many of the other pics would be too good to post. They are mostly shots of halls, empty rooms, and the kitchen. All crooked of course.

In the first pic (it was 3 I put together), you can see the tennis courts, and in the middle at the bottom there is a path that goes by the play ground (if you can make that out). And lots and lots of trees. It'll be great in the fall and winter. I really love that view. :-D


  1. My friends used to live in the building beside the parkade (in the picture). I always used to park at your building when their visitors parking was full.

  2. hahaha... nice. Ya, you only have to get a visitors parking pass if you are going to stay for more than 2 nights.
