Friday, 4 September 2015

I can make time now

I know I should spend more time focusing on work, but sometimes when Laura and the kids are close to my office I take off a little early to hang with them. Why? Well because when I see Alice she runs towards me and says "Pick me up and 'ping me around!". Isaac walks / runs over to me and demands "na na na!".

They are little but won't be for long. I'm sure before I'm ready to stop doing it, they won't want to dance "na na na" (a waltz), or "wheee" (outwards facing seated spin) or "bwa ah ah" (flipped upside down in a fake "drop"). I can always work more later, or when they are in bed. I never thought that I'd say this, but they are growing up too fast.

Tempus fugit.

Time flies unless you can stand on a rock in a lake. Then you're good.

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