Thursday, 3 September 2015

Waves of sadness

It's my fault really. I do stupid things like check the news. Now, this information isn't widely known, but "the news" generally is just a bunch of bad shit that doesn't happen often.

Right now the thing playing out is the Syrian crisis. Specifically about how all these people are trying to leave their country any way they can, including in boats. When this kind of thing happens, people usually die because something always goes sideways.

Right now it's a photo of a 3 year old boy named Alan Kurdi. The picture... Alice is 3. The boy on the beach looks like how our kids sleep sometimes. I... my brain... I can't process it. I feel like I'm just crushed by a wall of sadness when I see that. I try to avoid the news, but at some point I look again.

It's so horrible.

The worst part is there are about 200,000 other horrible stories.

I'm going to go shut off my brain as a defense mechanism.

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