Sunday, 13 September 2015

What's the lie?

Alice isn't even 4 and I'm having a hard time figuring out if she lying sometimes. For her first day of school she said she saw her old playschool teacher Jen. It's possible, but I would be surprised. So we don't really know. 

Her lies are coming faster and faster. Sometimes the only notice you have is the delay or the smile. We are probably going to have to crack down soon before it becomes a big problem.

Who should I blame for this bevaviour? Her mother clearly.

Wait, no. Maybe me. I like telling her "stories", which can be viewed as a lie. She'll ask if I'm telling her the truth and I'll ask her what she thinks. She usually gets it correct (because I'm lying). What I'm trying to develope is her critical thinking skills and for finding the truth. I think that's an important life skill, but maybe I'm just messing her up and shooting myself in the foot.

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