Tuesday, 29 September 2015

One point five years

Well, it's been 1.5 years since our 3 person family expanded to a four person family. It's a lot more complicated with 2 kids. Mostly because it requires you to keep them more than arms reach from one another during bouts of hanger or sleepiness. It's also really cool. Today Alice was showing Isaac where there were puddles to splash in and playing with him on the bed.

1.5 years old is also a really good age. The kid is a lot more interactive, you can go for walks while they hold your hands and you can describe what you see to each other. I think that when I'm out with just Isaac I get +20 social points while walking around. Everyone loves cute little kids.

Sometimes I get frustrated with things, but I look at that as a failing on my part rather than the kids. You can't expect a little kid to not throw food on the floor. I have no idea how the daycare does it.

I'm still having fun. And that's huge.

Out for a walk with mommy
It's up to us to save the world and put out this huge fire before it spreads!
Sunshine in her fancy clothes on the swing

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