Sunday, 27 September 2015

Supermoon lunar eclipse

I don't find myself looking at the night sky as often as I think that I should. I'm totally aware that there is currently a rare lunar eclipse going on right now but I'm inside sitting on the couch. Hey, it's a bit cloudy.

The next time a lunar eclipse happens when the moon is close like this is supposed to be like in 2033. That's... so far away yet I'm sure it will go by in a blink. What will we be like? Where will we be? How much fun will have had? How much loss? It's funny how an infrequent celestial event will focus your thoughts. Will I be staring up at the sky in Star Wars crocs with Laura while we sip tea and complain about the clouds? That seems the most likely outcome.

Here's to many more laps around the local star and the dance of the planets and moons.

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