Thursday, 1 May 2003

2003.05.01 @ 1204

Rain rain rain... I guess that it goes with spring. It is a nice change from the snow though. ;-) The "surprise" party for Liz last night went well. I totally thought that she had it all figured out, but she didn't and she was really surprised. That was really cool... I think that it comes from the fact that she trusts her friends (for some reason) and didn't think that we would do anything without telling her. It was quite amusing. ;-)

I was able to Meng han before she went back to Montreal. I was really happy that I was able to do that. I didn't end up going out with her on Monday night, and felt really bad about that. I just was sort of brain dead and just wanted to not do anything. Ah well.

I finally gave my brother his b-day present. I think that he was happy with it. I gave him this tiny remote control car and we played with it for at least 30 minutes. It was really cool... definally a good pick. If I ever find that guy at Walmart I'll thank him for pointing it out. And, of course, he will always be able to use the duct tape.

I met with my boss for my new job this summer. They have had a re-org already, and I am going to be put on a different team. But more or less doing the same stuff. And from what they said, I will be able to switch if I want to do anything different. I am just so excited because it seems very "private" even though it is gov't. Too cool. I am just going to have to work my butt off and make them like me. (really like me!)

Listening to: Run, Lola, Run - Believe (Franka Potente)

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