Thursday, 22 May 2003

2003.05.22 @ 2034

I hurt. Very much so. In muscles that I didn't even know that I had. :-( I have started to run with a lady at work. I am thinking that it is a bad idea, but at this point I am going to stick with it. I just feel like I am going to die and am in pain. But I hear that it gets better... you just have to give it a year or so. :-( At lunch we run the bridges. We start where I work and run down the place de portage bridge, along the Quebec side over to the other bridge, over to the locks, and back to the place de portage bridge and back to work. It's about 5 km. I feel so bad running with this lady because I am by far the weaker runner. But then again, she (when not hurt) runs every day, even in winter, and runs marathons. I just don't think that I am compeate.

Watched the game last night. It was so freaking good. I only really started to watch it from the second period because I thought that it started at 8, which means that I made other people late too. I suck. I just hope that they kick ass tomorrow.

This is the first night that I have been home in a while before dark. Yay me! Now it gives me a chance to work on AudioMan stuff. My week is running out and I better get more done before the code freeze. If I don't get enough done, I am going to have to kick myself in the ass, and considering how sore I am now, that I really going to hurt.

Listening to: Moxy Früvous - Breakfast at Tiffany's

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