Friday, 9 May 2003

2003.05.09 @ 2146

I think that I should get an award. I am exceptional at avoiding work. Apparently I get it from my mom... damn genetics. I just don't want to rewrite my co-op report, and I have been doing everything that I can to avoid it. And it is working! Crap. I wish that I wasn't as good at that. But here I am, writting about avoiding writting... hee hee... that's ironic, like swiss cheese. ;-)

I finished reading The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. It wasn't really as I expected. I thought that he would jump around more in history instead of just going to one time. Well, he did, but not to the same level that I thought that he would. The movie was supposed to suck, but I still think that I would like to see it. It might be really interesting to see what he only conceived in his mind. It is sometimes really amazing what people can do, how they can just see what can be. That is one reason why I like sci-fi, or at least fiction set in the future, the best. The authors look at where we could be going, and they show what they see we will find when we arrive. Sometimes they just use the location as a mirror of what today is so that people can look at themselves. Other authors like Clarke have had their predictions come true. It makes me wonder about how many other predictions will be proven true in the future.

I was, for some reason, thinking about perfection today, and how a lot of the time, people preceive other people as perfect. If you talk to the other people, I am sure that they would laugh if you told them this. And that go my noodle noodle-ing... is anyone perfect? Has anyone been perfect? The old stories never have perfect people in them. Even the gods are imperfect and make mistakes in the stories. Everyone makes mistakes. So why do some people aim for it? Is it because they have to aim high? Never reach for things within your grasp because that isn't a challenge and you won't grow that way? I guess the only way to grow is to reach for the stars knowing that one day, even if you don't get them, someone will based on your trials and failures. We all must reach.

Listening to: Rammstein - Du Hast

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