Sunday, 4 May 2003

2003.05.04 @ 2121

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. Ya, whatever. It is also the first day of work for my new job. They have a special training day, so I am supposed to get there for 0715h. Yikes. Know what I just noticed? Today is Star Wars Day. "May the 4th"... you might have to say that last little bit out loud to get it. ;-)

I keep on thinking how things I do now can change things in the future... like, if I reply to an email today, or put it off, how that will effect things. Then I keep on thinking about things like that and smoke starts to pour out of my ears. It comes down to just thinking all the time and not actually doing anything. Something that I am really bad for. *sigh* There are some things that I just should not put off at all. Like painting those stone chips on my car before they rust... and adding "pink" washer fluid to the windshield juicer thing. Damn, sometimes I just get too technical. Sorry.

Moving yesterday went okay. The dust started to bother me quite a bit, as it always does. But I don't feel shitty like I thought that I would, which is really good. One thing that I have to say about moving, if I am going to move you, please, please have everything packed and ready to go... it annoys me to stand around and watch or help you pack. That stuff should have been done before I even get there. I should just be there moving boxes or big stuff. When helping someone to move, I just want to help them move. Not pack and unpack. *sigh* Okay, I am done bitching now.

Listening to: Powderfinger - Not My Kinda Scene

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