Thursday, 1 May 2003

2003.05.01 @ 1257

Three things that I just thought of. (1) I figured out my adm mark. And it isn't as bad as I thought that it would be. YAY!! ;-) It could have been worse, but ah well. It is apart of the bottom scrap of my courses, and that is fine with me. As long as it isn't below that.

(2) I keep on thinking about the party last night, and how I think that I was just being an ass for a big part of that. I can't take it back now / change it, but I'll have to watch that in the future. Sometimes I just don't notice that I am doing really dumb stuff till after. *sigh*

(3) Again, it is about the job that I have not yet started. I saw where I am going to sit. I'll be bumping chairs with a lady... that is going to be annoying. But there really isn't anything I can do about that. And some of the people there have actual pod workstations. (I couldn't find a pic... ah well). It's really cool... they are really small, have lights that are motion sensitive and block out the light / glare from the normal lights. And they have a door... sort of like a big shower with a chair and computer. Totally cool.

Listening to: Great Big Sea - Barque in the Harbour

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