Saturday, 31 May 2003

2003.05.31 @ 2237

Yes, another weekend feels almost blown. I just hope that it is nice weather tomorrow... I sort of want to spend the day outside if it's not too cold / raining. It was supposed to be raining, but I think that they have changed their prediction of what the weather will be. I don't think that they are accurate about it at all. Ah well.

I went to an AudioMan meeting today. I am not as far with the dev work as I wanted to be, and that's not cool with me. :-( I cleaned up some bugs quickly that I knew about. I think that I have more to do tonight. I just want to get it to some place where we can release it and get other people trying it out. If anyone wants to play around with it, they can either check out the web site everyone once and a while (we should have a release in about a week), or you can email me and I'll let you know when there are things to play around with.

I went to my grandma's for dinner tonight. My sister was the biggest pain in the ass ever. I don't think that she really likes hanging out at my grandma's, and she was making a fuss and being really annoying the whole time. Annoying on purpose. Grrr... finally my mom wispered to her that the longer she was annoying and misbehaving, the longer we would stay. Then she stopped being as annoying. Sheesh! Ah well.

Listening to: The Belle Stars - Iko Iko

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