Ryan has set up a blog for me on one of his sites. It is using moveable type. With it I'll be able to do fun stuff including php. And I will be able to play more seriously with style sheets... I think that web technologies are something that really interests me. Whether it has to do with the UI, or just doing stuff like that, I think that it is something that I would like to learn a lot more about. Peter talks about how he really likes databases, and Ryan is more into OO classes with tests that can isolate problems early. It can be hard to do that with most web technologies I guess. I'll figure that out. I just have to out this summer.
I have been really excited about starting work this summer. I was trying to explain it today to
some people, but I don't think that it came out right. They gave me a document about their process
for projects, and the part that got me excited was they explained things in MSC's and state charts. The part that
made me excited was that it seems that they found it easier to explain things like this.
YAY! Pictures and flow charts! Ah, I must be in heaven.
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